Why can't I book this appointment?

The appointment diary follows some basic rules for booking appointments.  Understanding these rules will help you make sure that your appointment system is set up correctly, and that you will be able to book the appropriate appointments.

A personnel can only attend one appointment

It is assumed that during any given period of time, a member of personnel can only see one customer at a time.  If you try to book an appointment with a personnel, and any part of the time you are booking is already in use, then the appointment will not be allowed.

A location can only hold one appointment

The term "location" can be confusing.  We use it to designate a place where an appointment takes place.  For most purposes this will be a clinic room, an office, a workstation, or perhaps even a vehicle.

Regardless of the type of location, only one appointment can be held there at a time.

Services can be restricted by location

Each location has a defined set of services available.  If you are trying to book a service that is not available in some locations, then those locations will not appear as options in the appointment.

Services can be restricted by personnel

Each personnel has a defined set of services which they can provide.  If you are trying to book a service that is not available for some personnel, then those personnel will not appear as options in the appointment.

Locations can be restricted by personnel

Each personnel can also have a restricted set of locations where they are available.  After choosing a personnel the list of locations will only include those where that personnel is available.

Opening hours and personnel availability

Locations have opening hours, and personnel have certain hours that they are available (per location).

If you try to book an appointment outside of a locations defined hours, or outside of a persons normal availability, you get warning.  Unlike the other rules you can override this.

What to do when you cannot book an appointment

If the system is not allowing you to book an appointment that you think should be bookable, you should check the various records involved.


Overlapping appointments

For overlapping appointments, the system will give a clear message stating what the problem is.  The message will show the appointment that is overlapping with the one you are trying to add.  By reviewing the information you should be able to see why there is a clash.

Personnel doesn't provide service

If you have missed adding a specific service to a personnel, then you will find that after choosing the service, the personnel does not appear.  You should edit the personnel record and add the service.

Location doesn't support service

If you have missed adding a specific service to a location, then you will find that after choosing the service, the location  does not appear.  You should edit the location record and add the service.

Personnel not available in location

After selecting the Service, and then the Personnel, you may find that the Location you want does not appear in the options.  You need to edit the Personnel record, and make sure the location has some valid times in the Availability.

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