How do I change my account package?

You can change your account package at any time. This is usually necessary if your number of Personnel has increased beyond your current package limit, or if you have fewer Personnel and need to downgrade.

Changing your account package is easy.  Just follow these steps...

  1. Log in to BizDiary as an administrator-level user (normally just "admin").
  2. Select Account > Change Account Package from the menu.
  3. The Purchase Form lists all the available packages, along with pricing.
    Scroll down to the bottom of the list, and choose the package you need, and then click the [Upgrade] button.

Normally it should only take a minute or two for BizDiary to recieve the payment information from Stripe.

If you click on the [Home] link in BizDiary, you should see your new account package is shown.

If you have any issues or questions regarding Stripe, please contact


  • The new limits on Personnel take place instantly.
  • The new pricing comes into effect when your next payment occurs.
  • If you are downgrading, please make sure you disable any unneeded Personnel FIRST.

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