How do I set available times for personnel?

Each Personnel can have a set of times for which they are available for appointments across the week.  Normally appointments would only be booked during these times.

Setting Availability

Availability is set in the Personnel record...

  1. Log in as an admin or manager level user.
  2. Go to Personnel > Browse Personnel.
  3. Select the Personnel that needs changing and click the Edit icon (pencil).
  4. Go to the Availability tab.
  5. Add, edit or remove rows as needed.  There are some common sets of days that can be used to simplify entry for regular work-hours (Mon-Fri, Mon-Sat, etc).
  6. When complete, click the [Save] button.

More on Availability...

  • You can create a fixed meal break, by splitting the day into two parts.  If meal breaks are less regular, you should use Events to block them off.
  • It is possible to book an appointment outside of normal hours, but the system will warn you that this is outside of hours and require confirmation.
  • Each Availability can also specify a Location.  If you always use the same room, then it is useful to specify this in the availability, as this will then be used automatically when booking appointments.
  • Locations also have Availability.  When booking an appointment, the availability of both the Personnel and the Location are considered.

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