How do I use two-way SMS (SMS replies)?

The two-way SMS gives you the option of allowing customers to automatically confirm their booking by replying "Yes".  You can also have it cancel on "No".  Other replies can go through to your receptionist’s email.

Getting Started

The first thing you need to do to use 2-way SMS is to turn it on and adjust your settings….

  1. Login to BizDiary as an adminstrator-level user.
  2. Go to Account > Settings.
  3. On the main Settings tab, the Reception email is used for SMS replies, so make sure it is correct before continuing.
  4. Click on the SMS Settings tab.
  5. You may want to change your Template to let customers know that they can now reply to via SMS.
  6. Click the Allow SMS Replies checkbox to turn on two-way SMS.
  7. If you want customers to be able to reply “Yes” to have their appointment automatically confirmed, check the “Yes” confirms checkbox.
  8. If you want customers to be able to reply “No” to have their appointment automatically cancelled, check the “No” cancels checkbox.
  9. Click [Save] to save your settings.

SMS Sender no longer applies

Please note that turning on Allow SMS Replies means that the SMS Sender no longer applies.  If you use two-way SMS then the SMS messages will come from a specific number on the SMS server.  This is necessary for a reply to be able to be processed.

If you are using two-way SMS you may want to include your business name somewhere in the SMS template, to make it clear where the SMS is coming from.

How are replies handled?

The way that replies are handled, depends on your settings for “Yes” confirms and “No” cancels.

If “Yes” confirms is switched on then when a customer replies, the system looks at the first word in the reply.  If it is “Yes” or “Y” and the appointment is still Reminded (or Unconfirmed), then the system changes the status to Confirmed.

If “No” cancels is switched on then when a customer replies, the system looks at the first word in the reply.  If it is “No” or “N” then the system changes the status to Cancelled.

In either case, if there is more information in the reply then it is assumed the customer wants to tell you something, and the reply is forwarded to your reception email address.

Also if the options are not switched on,  or the SMS message was not associated with an appointment, then the reply is forwarded to your reception email address.

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