How do I view sent SMS messages?

You can view the details of SMS messages that have been sent by running the SMS Detail Report.   You can also see details of any replies sent by the customer (or other recipient).

To run the SMS Detail Report...

  1. Log in to BizDiary as a Manager or Admin user.
  2. Go to Reports > Run Report.
  3. Select the SMS messages: Details report.
  4.  You may want to select a specific Customer, or enter a specific phone number etc.
  5. Select a From Date and To Date, for the date-range when the SMS should have been sent.
  6. Click the [Run] button.

You will either see a report showing the SMS messages that were sent in the date range, filtered by any other criteia you entered, or a message saying "No results returned".

If you get the "No results returned" message you might want to try running the report again with fewer restrictions, or a broader date range.

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