How do I use the wait-list when the customer needs to reschedule?

Customers sometimes book an appointment, but then due to changed circumstances need to reschedule their appointment.


David has an appointment at 10am on Friday.  He calls to say he can no longer make the appointment time, and would like to reschedule for Friday afternoon or any time on the following Monday. At present those times are fully booked, so he has to go on the wait-list.

  1. Go to the Calendar, click David's appointment, and select Edit.
  2. Click on the Wait-list tab.
  3. Select Reschedule from the Wait-list drop-down.
  4. (optional) If you want to keep track of when David went onto the Wait-list you can choose a date in Wait-list since.
  5. In the Wait-list notes enter the information about the new desired time. 
    In this case we would put something like "Friday afternoon, or next Monday (any time)".
  6. Click on [Save].
    (Note: When you save you will be reminded that this appointment will no longer be visible in the Calendar).


Because the Reschedule option is used, the appointment no longer shows up in the Calendar, and other appointments can be booked into that time.  This is because with Reschedule we are assuming the customer cannot keep their original time regardless of whether a new time becomes available.

see also...

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